Our Team


Gabrielle Knox

Whaddup Doe! (Peace)

I’m Gabrielle Knox, People call me Gabby!

It’s been kinda tough to write this because I wanna say so much. I’m supposed to tell you ‘Gabby is a curator and farm manager with theJOYproject’

Supposed to tell you that theJOYproject is an opportunity to own my own land as a black queer woman in a city where I was born.

What I really want to tell you (frl frl) is that I’ve been trusting myself for 11 years now to create things that help me sustain and thrive. I continue to watch myself prove and live the things I say, knowing that I’ll receive the same love and JOY that I put into this world.

I’m thankful for y’all, the community that checks for me and in turn trusts me to keep creating. The community of elders holding on to their passions that taught me how to trust.

Josmine Evans

Hi, I’m JOSMINE and I am a curator and steward with theJOYproject. I am a culinary Culturist and cook. What started as a personal experiment in exploring and affirming my individual identity through the recipes and foodways of my immediate families has lead me on a perpetuitous act of Sankofa, rediscovering, remembering and recording the lives of our collective ancestors through their/our foodways. Over the past several years I have been traveling around the African Atlantic, reading, feeling, dancing, singing, conjuring, and eating my way through what has become an expansive collection of experiences, information and stories. Until now, with the exception of what I’ve shared on my personal social media, most of it has been stored in my mind and body. theJOYproject is my opportunity to share on a large scale. To offer my experiences and collection of stories, to affirm our collective identities and facilitate a living record of where we’ve been and who we are and to plant the seeds that will grow into tomorrow’s abundance.  

Gabby Knox Is my partner in this project and in Life. Born into this world through a portal named Joy, raised on a Road named Joy, very early in our friendship it was clear to me that Joy was at the center of the force pulling me toward Gabby. Sharing conversation, activities, experiences and ideas that brought us joy, and agreeing to be intentional about sharing those things with others in our individual communities was the foundation of our friendship. We are now well practiced at taking our joys and causing a ripple effect through those around us. Our partnership in theJOYproject is our means of turning that ripple into a tidal wave.